Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Pygmalion Effect on Human Communications

According to legend, Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a female statue he had carved. His wish for the statue to come to life came true. In human resources management, the Pygmalion Effect occurs when a manager's treatment of an employee is influenced by his expectations of the employee. The Pygmalion Effect produces positive and negative behavior.

How to Make a Tickler File

A tickler file sets up reminders that you receive at a specified time in the future, sort of like sending a letter to your future self. The tickler itself is a set of manila file folders that are labeled for the days and months, like a perpetual calendar. The folders hold reminders of future events or ideas, like a show six months in advance or notes to review right before a meeting in two weeks.

What Are Observers on Meeting Minutes?

The structure of meeting minutes varies with each organization and each group within an organization, but there are some general practices that help a reader understand meeting minutes. For example, minutes should contain a description of the group holding the meeting, the purpose of the meeting, attendees, records of votes and summaries of discussions. Sometimes the list of attendees will include people listed as observers.

How to Write a Goodbye Card

Retirement, relocation, or termination are only three of the countless reasons a co-worker may say goodbye to his associates. While the Department of Labor reports that it is impossible to predict the exact number of times a person will change careers over the course of a lifetime, career switches have definitely become more frequent in the Internet Age than they were in decades past, when it was not unusual to hold a single job for one's entire career. If someone you work with is leaving and you need to bid farewell to a co-worker, writing a thoughtful goodbye card is an excellent way to do it.

How to Not Be Scared of Presenting in Front of People

Presenting in front of people is an acquired skill. Most people feel afraid of standing up and talking to a group of strangers. We are scared of being judged on our appearance, quality and delivery of presentation -- or even on our voices and accents.

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Terminate an Employee in Kansas

Kansas, like certain other states, is an "at will" employment state. This means that you may terminate an employee for anything at any time, as long as the reason doesn't violate federal or state discrimination or employment laws. You can't fire an employee because of his race or religion, nor can you fire him for refusing to break the law or for reporting you for safety or labor violations. Although you don't have to provide the employee with a reason for the termination, proper documentation of any employee action that leads to his dismissal is essential for proving your case if the employee sues you for illegal termination.

Can I Fire an Employee for Missing Work?

In most instances, excessive absenteeism is a legitimate reason for dismissing an employee. However, following the proper procedures for dismissal reduces the likelihood of the dismissed worker filing a lawsuit against you. In other instances, you have little or no latitude over when or whether a worker reports for work. Consult with an attorney who specializes in employment-related law with specific questions pertaining to your particular circumstances.